The Final Summary of Learning

I officially made it to the end of my Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction and I have to say I feel pretty good right about now! Am I a little sad? Yes, because I have learned so much over the last couple of years and met a lot of amazing educators I otherwise would have never met. Am I excited? You better believe I am! I’m so thankful for these courses and the ability to connect with all of you and I’m also grateful that we can remain connected via twitter and other ways.

This semester has been A LOT for us all. Trying to take my final course and juggling hybrid teaching in COVID is no joke. I learned a lot this semester – history, old tools, and new tools as well. The opportunities to present of specific types of tools allowed for us all to learn from each other and test out many of these tools that I am taking back to my classroom. Connecting via blogs and twitter is always a great way to learn from each other, and it’s something I know I will continue to do past this experience. So without further ado, here is my final summary of learning! Enjoy!

Thank you everyone for a great semester and for getting through this crazy roller coaster of a year together! Good to all my colleagues that are graduating as well, and good luck to those of you that have a few courses left! Stay in touch! 🙂

Until next time,


12 thoughts on “The Final Summary of Learning

  1. Shelby,

    Very well done Summary of Learning! I agree– coding definitely had me intimidated at the beginning of the semester. However, I’m finding these tools can be quite user friendly and are not as scary as we think!

    Like you mentioned, being a kid from the 90s, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what technology looked like back then. However, little did I know, these roots go further back than the 90s. I have found that I have certainly learned a lot, but still have a long way to go… So many different avenues to pursue!

    Congrats on finishing your degree! Its been a pleasure learning alongside you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for taking the time to watch my video Leigh! I’m glad you enjoyed it and could relate to it. It’s been great to learn alongside you as well. Thank you and good luck in all your future courses! It goes faster than you think (LOL)!


  2. catherineready

    Woo hoo! Congratulations on completing the final project of your M.Ed.! I have really enjoyed taking the last few edtech classes with you and appreciate your high school perspective. I like the design and layout of your summary of learning and felt that you captured everything we learned very clearly. And wow – did we learn a lot! Good luck with all your future endeavours and I look forward to staying connected on Twitter! Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Catherine! It’s been great working with you as well! There was so much to take in this semester and it always surprises me how much we end up learning from each other. Good luck to you as well! 🙂


  3. Congratulations Shelby! This a fantastic final summary of learning! I am happy to hear that Nearpod is now a part of your classroom. You have taken so much of what we have learned and summed it up so succinctly in just over 7 minutes! I definitely feel like I am leaving this class with a full toolbox of tech tools to use with my students. I am just debating where to start. Thanks for sharing your learning with me through this course! All the best.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tammy! Thank you for taking the time to watch my video and yes, Nearpod is the best! My students get so excited when we use it! It’s been great learning with you this semester as well! Good luck in all your future endeavours!


  4. GAHHH.. I loved Math Circus and All the Rite Type! I am so old I remember playing those games on the old Sun computers in the computer lab. Congrats on finishing up your masters degree. I know how busy you have been over the course of this time so I know it wasn’t an easy feat. Yet you made it look like it was. So glad to have snuck in for one class with you. Proud of you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Joce!! I remember the Sun computers too!!! I’m so glad we were able to take a course together, just sad there couldn’t be more! Thanks for being such a good learning partner throughout the semester and good luck next semester!! With two babies and two courses, you’re going to need it – but you’ll manage flawlessly! 🙂


  5. Congrats! You’re all done! What a great way to conclude your masters… such an informative class and you summarized it very well in your Summary of Learning. Thanks for all of your engagement and comments on blog posts over the last few months. It was great working with you and congratulations again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Dalton! Good luck in all your future courses! It’s been great working with you this semester. You’re right! This course was so informative and I can’t think of a better group of people to end it with!


  6. Hey Shelby … it’s been great to be on this journey with you. I love how you are taking what we are learning and using it in your classroom. Your summary of learning was point on and one I’d recommend to somebody wanting to know what this class is all about. I look forward to continuing to learn with you and wish you the best of luck in your future. Dean Out (insert mic drop here ;-))

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