Summary of Learning

What an adventure this semester has been!  I have learned so much about blended learning, about tools for my courses, about learning management systems, and about what the future of education could look like with blended learning at the forefront.  Thank you all for the support and the knowledge I have learnt from each one of you.

For our Summary of Learning, Brad and I decided to work together and create this video!  We wanted to focus on the whole journey because that is the most important part and after all, if you don’t enjoy the journey, what’s the point?  I hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.  Also, thank you to some colleagues that helped us out with production! To say we had fun is an understatement!  I hope to see you all in the future, whether it is via twitter, or in more courses!  Best of luck to you all! 🙂

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8 thoughts on “Summary of Learning

  1. Thank you so much! So funny and so creative! Brad your vehicle upgrades were hilarious. All of the growth you both have shown is mind-blowing. The integration of music and car upgrades were great.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Shelby, as I posted on Brad’s Blog as well, I laughed out loud and thoroughly enjoyed this summary. I love the guest appearances and humor you guys used. Well done! It was a pleasure learning with and from you and I wish you all the best moving forward. Keep up the great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kristina Boutilier

    OH MY GOD!!!! This is amazing!! You two are hilarious (and also did a fabulous job summarizing your learning). I really enjoyed learning with you this term. You have been a crucial part to my PLN and I appreciate your engagement with Twitter. I hope to learn with you again. Well done!!

    Liked by 1 person

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